It is with great honor we are sharing the December Special Edition of the Backwoods Biker Magazine, featuring the IRON WALL Chimney Tent on the front cover.

Backwoods Biker is dedicated to the men and women of the world who love to ride motorcycles and enjoy the outdoors. Don't SURVIVE when you ride out into the wilderness or bush...THRIVE! The way you do that is to be PREPARED. Subscribe to their channel and learn the necessary techniques, tactics, tips and gear that the pros all use. Don't get caught without what you need!

Special thanks to Tony Suits and the entire crew of the magazine. 

Backwoods Biker's video reviews on the IRON WALL Chimney Tent and BACKWOODS BUNGALOW UL Super Shelter 2.0:

(Can't see video? Click here to watch it on YouTube.)

(Can't see video? Click here to watch it on YouTube.)

All Credits to Backwoods Biker. Learn more on their websiteFacebook page, and YouTube channel.