In our opinion, autumn and winter are the best camping seasons, and the gear you need varies with each different trip. How do you prepare for camping in the snow/cold? Roc from Team 1TG is here with solid winter camping gear tips. Grab a seat and lend us your ears...

#1 Woodland Trekking Trips
When trekking to your camp spot, consider the tarp + camping hammock + under-quilt setup, which should only weigh around 6.6lb (3kg). Trekking trips in summer or autumn mean milder weather, and an outdoor tarp with portable hammock combo is the ideal way to go. Trekking in colder weather? Throw in an under-quilt to the sleep system and you're good.

In addition to using an under-quilt with your hammock setup, add the 4th item of a sleeping bag for when temperatures go as low as 41°F/5°C.

The benefits of hammock camping is that you can still do it on uneven campgrounds, and the tarp will shelter you from rain while you cook and continue to enjoy the outdoors. When the time comes to depart, you don’t have to fret over wet gear, and can take your time as you pack up your hammock and under-quilt in the comfort of a tarp shelter.
Photo Credit: @iReviewGear
#2 Cold-Weather Camping Trips
When out snow camping, pyramid tents are ideal, such as the 4.2lb IRON WALL Winter Tent - lighter if used without the inner tent - because its shape has better wind resistance to others and can retain heat in freezing temperatures.

#3 Camping Trips by Car
When going camping to a wooded area by car, Roc recommends hot tent camping with a wood burning stove.

Portable camping stoves help heat up your winter tent in cold weather and the walls of the tent retain heat to keep you cozy.

Hot tents offer bigger space and may fit up to 2 camp cots, or simply use a ground sheet and you're in for an extra toasty night.

The OneTigris Camping Cot has utility loops and side pockets for holding tools, phones and other personal items.

Different kinds of trips require different setups, but with the right setup, all trips will be equally enjoyable.
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